Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Walk in Truth and Integrity

Search me, O Lord, and try me; test my soul and my heart. 
For your mercy is before my eyes, and I walk in Your truth.
PSALM 26 : 2-3

Father in heaven, You have given me a heart to be more than content and satisfied with the love, graces, blessings, healing and miracles that You bring me each day. 

I can truly say that indeed, You have freed me from the clutches of those who takes advantage of their position in order to materially enrich themselves. Although I am no longer part of corrupt politics, I pray for them O Lord that You will give them your heart of love so that they may be true servants of Your people. 

Thank you for keeping my joy, hapiness and peace of just spending my life with my love ones and family. 

With much love I pray in Jesus Name. Amen.