Wednesday, May 15, 2013


"Consecrate them in the truth. Your word is truth. As you sent me into world, so I sent them into the world. And I consecrate myself for them, so that they also may be consecrated in truth.” (Jn 17:17-19)

Lord, only in you can I be made sacred and holy so that I may walk in the light of your truth. By your love and grace, I became devoted and dedicated to worship and serve the Heavenly Father, knowing and believing that you are one with Him. May your word work powerfully in me so that I can stand as a living witness of your love in the world. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.
I am a sinful man yet each day, by the love of God, I strive to be holy for he is holy. I strive to be perfect as he is perfect. I live in the abundance of his grace and persevere to walk in his truth.

In my past life, I got used to battling a lot of court cases in the conduct of my business. My failure to give importance to remit what is due to my principals has always become my downfall. There was even a time when I got blacklisted in the industry and no principal would trust me. I tried doing business in other forms of trade but did not become successful. This is when I realized that my God given talent still rests on the industry where I began for it was here where the Lord made me grow to be a successful entrepreneur. I can never be free if I choose to escape my obligations. I have to set the records straight and face the truth. There is not other way, it is the only way.

As the Lord said, "Truth will set you free". There is only one truth and that is the Lord. I can never be free apart from God. The world has eaten me up in its ways but the Lord took me out from such life in the world and brought me to a new life in him. For almost a decade, I left my work to become his full time servant.

Today, the Lord brought me back to the industry where I began. He is now my boss and partner and I am well loved by my principals because I always pay my obligations on time.
Apart from the Lord, we can truly do nothing. Only God is capable of changing the bad habits and character that were formed in us by the world.

Friend, the world may hate you but God loves you. Accept Him today as your Lord and Savior for He alone can set you free.